November 17


Hello All,

Busy week for all here in grade 5.

In Math, all students attempted to test their abilities through the Beaver Challenge!

Results will come out in a few weeks. We are moving through algebra, by learning definitions, concepts and solving problems. There was some homework sent home for those who did not finish in class. Please return by Tuesday.

In English, many of the students have finished their creative story and are now peer reviewing another students work and sharing positive critiques.

Science presentations are almost completed and the students have shown great interest in some of the vegetables they eat. The key concept was, if it’s green then steam, if it comes from the soil – boil… Stay tuned for dates with the up-coming science test on the topic of the human body.

Social studies students went back to the basics this week in reading and responding. Students used a graphic organizer to compare different aspects of Indigenous life before 1700. We hope to produce our finishing touches on our longhouse models next week.

November 13

Week of Nov 13th

Hello All,

Sorry for not posting on Friday! I did not plan the day well for working on the blog but focused on classes and the set up of the Remembrance Day assembly.

This week in math we had our math quiz and results will be given to students during class today.

We continue on expressions and equation solving.

Check the homework board this week as new homework will be coming home.

In ELA, we are at the peer review stages of our creative writing and the hope to have some stories posted on blogs by Friday.

This blog will be updated as the week goes on.



November 10

Escape Room-Fall

This week, as part of our fall unit, we wrapped up with an exciting twist  Escape Room! The students thoroughly enjoyed it, which was a fun way to showcase their skills that were learned in this topic. This activity required students to use their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in a fun and engaging way. It was a pleasure to witness students working collaboratively, having fun and also learning.


November 3

1st Week of November

Hello All,

Thank you for all the support in the process of setting up your SMART Goals. It was nice to see all the parents and students engaged in the learning process.

This week in math we had some Algebra Pattern review, getting ready for our math quiz next Wednesday and we continued on with expressions and equation solving.

Check the homework board for the past homework sheets for further review. Students had access to the answer sheets and had the opportunity to take a copy home.

In ELA, we started working on a short story creative writing exercise. Students have created characters and are processing through selecting  story topics and using a story planner to help them with their creativity.

GraphOrg – Mountain

Character Traits

Ideas for Short Stories

AS well, both classes had the opportunity to hang out and read with their JK/SK reading buddies.

In Social Studies, the class hosted Ms Honey’s grade 3 class for a Week of Remembrance presentation and artifact viewing.



Homework Board Link

Nov 7 is our Mitzvah Field Trip – if you haven’t ready please fill out the remission form

Nov 8 Math Quiz

Nov 10 Remembrance Day Assembly

Nov 23 Grade 4/5 Night Out ^-8pm Merival Bowling Alley – More to Follow




October 27

Last Full Week of October, WHAT??

Good day All,

It has been a packed week and the CAT – 4 testing is complete and we had great success!

This afternoon we watched How to Train A Dragon in celebration.

Outside of the CAT-4 testing we were able to expand our learning in writing algebraic expressions.

I am still missing some homework sheets (yellow duo-tang). Due to the CAT-4 testing and the up-coming SMART Goals meetings next week, we will use many of this week’s math classes to review some of the questions from the homework. The math quiz will be scheduled for Wednesday Nov 8th.


This week students in 5 A Science started a new topic in healthy eating.   Students selected their favorite vegetable and are now conducting an online inquiry on the best nutrient packed way to eat/prep that vegetable. Students in 5A will present their findings to the class on Tuesday Oct 31. If they are not finished creating their presentations in class, it will become homework!


In Social Studies we continue to build our longhouses, but took a break to talk about Remembrance Day.  On Thursday the students got to see some military gear and will host the grade 3 class next week to talk about the gear and a little about Mr. Watters’ military career.


Photo Retake Day will take place on Tuesday, October 31 st

Mitzvah Field Trip permission docs

SMART Goals Conferences Nov 2&3 — NOON DISMISSAL on Thursday, November 2nd in preparation for Goal-Setting Conferences. NO Classes Friday Nov 3

Mitzvah Field Trip Nov 7th

Remembrance Day Assembly Nov 10  the of course Nov 11

Grade 4-5 Night out Nov 23rd (more to follow)

October 20

The middle of October

Hello Grade 5 Friends and Families,

It has been a busy week. A big shout out and thank you to the parents who helped lug in recycled materials or did some shopping for the Global Maker day.

Reading Wonder in ELA has really been embraced by all the students. We also have been working on a creative writing exercise with the students engaging their imagination.

Math (algebra) exercises and virtual learning have been worked on this week captivating many minds.

I know there were some concerns surrounding the math homework. I remind the kids daily, that the questions are there to help review the math they know and point out the questions that need repeat instruction. Please have the students circle the questions they are having difficulty with. 🙂

With CAT-4 Testing next week, there will NOT be a math quiz. Students and parents will be informed of the new date sometime next week.

There will be NO homework in General Studies next from me.

Reminders: Dress down day Oct 27

SMART Goals conferences Nov 2-3


October 12

Grade 5 Oct 10-13

Hello All,

The grade 5 classes have been busy at keeping busy over the past week. {With schoolwork} Unfortunately, due to sickness I did not get to post last week. 

Students in both English classes have read several chapters of Wonder now and have been responding to comprehension questions as well as putting themselves in the character’s position.          

Star Reading has been switched to a new program called Amplify. Students have been introduced to it today. Students should have a charged computer or a charging cable with them. Amplify also requires headphones or pods.

In Math, the students worked on mathematical vocabulary by creating flip-cards and graphic organizers. Some students worked on simplifying algebraic expressions. Both 5A and 5B took time yesterday to create meaningful messages using word cloud or artcloud websites. 


In Science, we continue working on the human body and making 3D models of our internal organs.

In Social Studies, after researching, students started building their group’s version of a scaled model Haudenosaunee longhouses. 


September 28

Orange Shirt Day

Hello all,

It is dress down and Orange Shirt Day tomorrow. Students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt if they have one.

Students will have an opportunity to discuss what Orange Shirt Day is and why we acknowledge it here in Canada.


September (1).png

September 22

Week 3

Hello All,

This has been a busy week for the grade 5s.

It was very nice to meet so many parents on Back-to-School night.
If you were unable to attend and want to come in for a quick after school visit please reach out.
The students we have been looking at multiplication in Math and both classes were able to use there refined and new skills in a game of multiplication Bingo.
In ELA, we have started the novel Wonder. We were introduced to the story and author. Now we are well under way reading and responding to comprehensive questions.
Some ELA students got outside to use their creative thinking where they picked an object and used a graphic organizer for creative writing to describe the object through: smell, listening, seeing, touching, tasting.
In Science, we are continuing with the digestive system – it is our intention to use the 3D printer to make a scaled model on the organs we have been studying.
With Social Studies, the class had to unfold a GIANT floor map that could only be spread out on the gym floor. This map is a geographical and history look into the Indigenous communities in Canada.
Some homework starting next week…
Social Studies Map Work
SK Reading Buddies
Science Maker Space
ELA Creative Writing with 5 Senses
September 4

בְּרוּכִים הַבָּאִים לְכִתָּה ה’

Dear Grade 5 students,


I’m very excited to welcome you back tomorrow and get to know each of you. I have already posted our first weekly plan for the week,you can find access to our planner under the name “Weekly Slides – כִּתָּה ה’ שֶׁל הַמּוֹרָה מָרִינָה.”I have added a bookmark on our Grade 5 blog so that you can quickly access our schedule. On our planner, you can also find additional resources, the Digital Library, Parshat Vayetze (our Parsha of the year), and more. You will receive further instructions tomorrow in class. 


בְּהַצְלָחָה לְכֻלָּם,


הַמּוֹרָה מָרִינָה