Salut salut chers amis,

It has been a fantastic first month with my amazing grade 5 Extended kids during which we got to know each other and learnt together. It is wonderful to see how engaged they are with both the language and social studies content. We started by reviewing the basic verbs AVOIR,ETRE,ALLER,they learnt vocabulary to describe their family’s character and appearance,they described Terry Fox and they wrote texts about the traditions of Rosh Hashanah. In social studies, we started exploring the First Nations and they completed their first quiz on the Anishinaabe with great results. I couldn’t be prouder of these kids’enthusiasm. Our next project is going to be on “Les Maisons longues”.

Attached are some pictures and a few videos of our activities.

Number Sense Test – October 1st

We will be having our very first math test next week, on Tuesday, October 1st. We spent time yesterday looking through all our resources and making study plans based on personal responsibilities and commitments.

Using the test outline, students picked specific skills to work on each night from now until the test date. They were also given a study package, and shown where to find a Google Form practice assignment, a practice test, and video tutorial links on Google Classroom.


During their study period today, it was amazing to see all the students choosing the study skill that worked best for them as a learner. They were using their agendas to guide their studying, watching videos, making flashcards, completing worksheets, using IXL, and testing each other.

We will continue practicing our math and study skills throughout the entire year.

Happy Studying!