February is Black History Month

Grade 5 students had the opportunity to learn from their Grade 7 peers as part of a three-part lesson series in honour of Black History Month. This was the first session, with more lessons planned throughout the month.

In this session, students explored the powerful influence of media on self-worth and identity, particularly during childhood. They also learned about key historical figures whose courage and advocacy played a vital role in challenging segregation and racism in the United States. Grade 5 students reviewed a timeline of significant historical events, then engaged in thoughtful reflection, discussing the lessons they took away and the questions that arose from their learning.

Thank you, Grade 7, for these invaluable lessons.

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It’s Been a Barrel of Laughs in Grade 5!

We’ve dove headfirst into the colorful world of figurative language in grade 5, and the kids are eating it up! As major book worms, they’ve been looking high and low in their books for juicy examples, plastering our figurative language board with their finds, and even played a hilarious game of “literal or figurative?”

They’ve even started sketching their own creative concoctions, bringing their imaginations to life. We’re planning to keep our eyes peeled for figurative fireworks everywhere we go, and we hope you’ll join the fun at home too!





Grade 5 Public Speaking

With GREAT SUCCESS, the grade 5s all completed their public speaking assignment.

Placements in the top three of both classes went to Livia, Gila, Noa, Oren, Jonah, and Nathaniel.

The students have their scoring rubrics so they can see how to improve for the big step into the middle school competition next year.

Grade 5 Public Speaking

Hi All,

Sorry for the last minute post but here is some info about the grade 5 Public Speaking:

Both classes will be seated in Mr. Watters’ classroom by 8:45am. All desks have been pushed off to the side and students will be seated in their chairs. The schedule has been posted for a few days. See below.

We will start during the 1st period but to not interrupt gym or French classes, we will pause and then resume 6th period and run all afternoon.

We may need to finish some speeches on Tuesday for timings or appointments.

Have a good evening!

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Last Week on May

Lots of content and learning still going on.

In ELA we have been working on Figurative Language and Public Speaking.

Grade 5 will be in the audience on June 4th watching the middle school Public Speaking Finalists. The grade 5s will speak on June 10th to their own classmates. Individual speeches should be drafted by end of day tomorrow. However, they can upload them before Monday’s ELA class.

In math, we have been working on fractions, decimals Ratios and now geometry and measuring angles.

This week we also had a team building exercise with Ms. Cleveland co-teaching. Teams created a way to answer this…

There will be a Social Studies Canadian map test next Tuesday. Provinces/Territories and capitals. For my class not Mme Sylvie’s.

In science class students have been exploring some of the major natural destructive forces such as hurricanes. slides and tornadoes.

Today we had our 2nd Middle School Workshop hosted by Ms. M.
Students worked on the various methods of note taking.

Reminders: Tomorrow Friday May 31 – Dress Down Day with donations going to Breast Cancer research.

Spring is in the Air

Big week ahead! 

Monday is Generations Day and we are excited to welcome all of our guests in-person or online. 

Generations Day: Monday, May 13th schedule below for that day:

8:45-9:00 AM: In-person guests are invited to join us in the Gym for a brief welcome and updates.

9:00-9:45 AM: Yom Hazikaron assembly will take place at the Gym, live streamed for remote guests.

9:45-10:30 AM: Grade 5 students will return to their classrooms for their Generations Day activities. (Our classroom is located in the second floor room 227).

Here is the link for our virtual guests: Link

Israel Remembrance Day Link

Yom Ha’Atzmaut on Tuesday and staff and students will celebrate all afternoon. 


For math, many still have a review packet for homework if the student feels they need to review.

THERE IS A MATH QUIZ THURSDAY! Adding/subtracting and multiplying fractions.   

We will be reviewing in class next week. 

In ELA, we have completed our novel study and started our public speaking speeches with ideas and research.

Other news: May 17th – PD no classes and extra long weekend!!

Model Seder

Dear Parents,

Yesterday, we had an amazing time coming together for our grade 5 Model Seder. Students actively participated in the Passover Seder rituals, sang songs, and enjoyed each other’s company. It was truly beautiful to observe their engagement and enthusiasm and I feel grateful to have been a part of such an incredible experience.

As we approach the holiday of Passover, I wish you and your families a Chag Sameach. May this holiday bring us joy, happiness, and continued freedom.