Double the Fun, Triple the Skills: Mastering Multiplication!

In a few weeks we will be starting our 2-digit by 2-digit Multiplication unit in grade 5. We will be learning a few different methods, such as using arrays, breaking up the problem, and the standard algorithm. In order for students to move through this unit with more ease, they will need to know their facts at least up to 9 x 9. According to the Ontario curriculum, Grade 5 students should know their facts to 12 x 12.

I have written about memorizing facts before, and have participated in workshops on online webinars to learn other strategies for helping students learn their facts. I personally believe that there is a balance between memorizing and learning the “why” of multiplication. I don’t believe it’s an all or nothing, you just know them or you don’t, kind of thing. There may be some facts that come more easily, and others that are more difficult. Using strategies to make those more difficult ones make sense seems so much more beneficial than simply just memorizing it.

With all that being said, the one common strategy, whether you are learning or memorizing, is practice! Talk about multiplication, think about multiplication, practice multiplication, make it a part of your daily routine, and it will get easier! Therefore, over the next number of weeks, in addition to reading daily, students will be required to practice their multiplication facts until they are mastered. Some may already be there, some may need until the end of the year. Either way is perfect, as long as they are practicing and moving further along their personal mastery ladders.

Think About Multiplication

I highly recommend watching this webinar (it’s about an hour long) for some ideas about how you can talk about the facts to help your child learn those trickier ones.

Read About Multiplication

Here are some strategies from a book I got at the Scholastic Book Fair many years ago, Math Hacks by Vanessa Vakharia (if you follow the link, there are some suggestions for online sites and games for practice)

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Practice Multiplication

  1. Make Flashcards. This is much better than buying them premade! Writing the facts down is in itself a form of practice. Students can cut the cards, write the multiplication sentence on one side, and the answer on the back.
  2. Math rap songs. For our auditory learners, listening to songs about multiplication and adding a beat to it can be helpful. Students can learn all the newest pop songs by heart…why not their multiplication facts? YouTube has tons of options. You just need to find the one that appeals to you. Here’s a site with 30 fun ideas that play on your musical, artistic, or kinesthetic learning style.
  3. Online multiplication practice. These are a few suggestions but there are TONS to choose from.
  4. I have assigned skills on IXL for multiplication (up to 10 x 10 and 12 x 12)
  5. Printed practice sheets. I have heaps of practice sheets that students can take home.
  6. Find tricks to help you remember your facts.
  7. Mrs. Cleveland has also created a list on her math blog, to many different useful math practice sites, not only just for multiplication.
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If you have any questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you! Happy multiplying!

Beaver Computing Challenge

Yesterday, Grade 5 students participated in their second Beaver Computer Challenge.  Created by students, teachers, and professors from the University of Waterloo: The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing, this contest is open to students around the country and around the world, and we are SO EXCITED to be participating this year!

The Beaver Computing Challenge (BCC) introduces Computer Science through problem based questions. Students require no prior knowledge about computing, but rather work toward problem solving and using those “hidden” computer science skills for hands-on learning and experience.

The contest is a 45 minute timed experience that involves a total of 12 multiple choice questions at 3 different levels, A, B and C.  “A” level being the easiest of the three, and then becoming more challenging with level “C.” Students complete the contest on their own devices, and are allowed a calculator and are encouraged to use pencil and paper to use the strategies taught in class to: draw a graph, make a table, draw a diagram etc.

I was so impressed with how hard the students work. Some who were reluctant at first, stepped up to the challenge and competed along with their peers! Time will tell how many computer scientists are among us 🙂

Number Sense Test – October 1st

We will be having our very first math test next week, on Tuesday, October 1st. We spent time yesterday looking through all our resources and making study plans based on personal responsibilities and commitments.

Using the test outline, students picked specific skills to work on each night from now until the test date. They were also given a study package, and shown where to find a Google Form practice assignment, a practice test, and video tutorial links on Google Classroom.


During their study period today, it was amazing to see all the students choosing the study skill that worked best for them as a learner. They were using their agendas to guide their studying, watching videos, making flashcards, completing worksheets, using IXL, and testing each other.

We will continue practicing our math and study skills throughout the entire year.

Happy Studying!

First Weeks in Grade 5 General Studies

What a start to the school year it has been! We have been reading, writing, creating, researching, and learning so much about each other. Let’s fill you in!


Language Arts Recap

We have started our Wonder novel study. This incredible story about resilience and friendship is bound to be crowd favourite. We will be practicing empathy, reflection and gratitude throughout this entire unit.

For anyone who would like to listen along as we read, the recordings have been added to Google Classroom.


Math Recap

The students have blown me away with how well they are doing with our first unit on Number Sense. We have reviewed place value to hundred thousands, representing numbers in various forms, ordering and comparing numbers to 100 000, and rounding whole numbers. Next up we will look at decimal place value, before we have our first math test of the year. All review materials, instructional videos and practice worksheets will be posted to Google Classroom.


Science Recap

Have you ever wondered what it would be like for a piece of sushi to travel through the digestive system? Or maybe a piece of cake would be more fun? Stay tuned, as the students will be posting their creative stories on their blogfolios, depicting the adventures of a piece of food as it makes its way through each organ of the digestive system. We promise there’s SOME science involved 😉


Social Studies Recap

Life before first contact was very different than it is today. We have spent the last two weeks looking at language maps, reading about various Canadian Indigenous communities, and have practiced making educated assumptions about ways of life based on our analysis of the maps and documents we’ve read. At the start of the year the students shared how much they enjoy building models as part of the Social Studies program. I am sure they will get really excited about our project coming up…stay tuned for more details. It won’t be “long”…

Algebra Quiz: Monday, May 1st

We will be having our algebra quiz on Monday, May 1st. 

Here are some review videos of all the concepts we have learned for this unit:

Vocabulary Review

Evaluating Expressions

* This video has two examples with exponents. You DO NOT need to know exponents. Watch the first two examples until 2:10

Solving Equations (Balancing)

Reading Inequalities

Solving Inequalities

* This video has one example at the end with negative numbers. You DO NOT need to know this. We are only using whole numbers. Watch the first three examples until 4:15

Graphing Inequalities

Writing Equations from Word Problems


Students are encouraged to use IXL algebra and patterning recommendations and assigned tasks, alongside paper practice. Here are the worksheets to print if you prefer paper copies:

To help you study at home, here is a study planner, as well as tips for how to study!

Students also received a study package to take home today. Students also have access to 6 lessons with examples and videos to review concepts. Students will receive an answer key to the study package on Thursday to make corrections.

As always, there will be check-in sessions in class with the teacher and peer mentoring opportunities. If you need to reach out, please do not hesitate!


Long Division Quiz- Monday, February 6th

In the best of times, long division can be confusing. Therefore, there are a few choices in terms of how I will be teaching and assessing this skill this term.

  1. Students have learned 2 different long division strategies — standard algorithm and division with repeated multiplication (see videos below). They have the choice to use whichever strategy they are most comfortable with.
  2. For our quiz on Monday, February 6th, students will also have the choice of which skill they demonstrate their understanding of. The truth is, that if you know how to do long division for 3-digit by 1-digit numbers, you likely will be able to do 3-digit by 2-digit as well. But we understand that it can feel overwhelming and tricky, and that’s the last thing we want to induce! Therefore, there will be 2 quizzes for students to choose from. Quiz A will focus on 3-digit by 1-digit division. Quiz B will focus on 3-digit by 2-digit division. Throughout the term, students who choose to do quiz A will have other opportunities to practice and demonstrate their mastery of 3-digit by 2-digit division.

To help review for this quiz, students already chose a practice worksheet to bring home as part of their homework this week. There are 9 questions in all, and I recommend they do 2 – 3 each night. I have also been checking in one-on-one with each student throughout the week to help them make the best choice as to which quiz they will be completing next Monday. This is a great step in independence and owning their own learning.

If you would like to see some of the strategies we have been learning, please watch the following videos. Students can also access extra practice worksheets here, and use IXL as a study tool.

3-digit by 1-digit Standard Algorithm

3-digit by 1-digit Repeated Multiplication

Checking Division with Multiplication

3-digit by 2-digit Standard Algorithm

3-digit by 2-digit Repeated Multiplication

Multiplication Quiz- Monday, January 23rd

Over the last few weeks the students have been working hard on mastering the Standard Algorithm for multiplication. We will be having a short quiz on Monday, January 23rd, as a check-in before moving on to long division.

Here are some of the strategies we’ve been practicing so far that students have found helpful:


Every student received a review package in their homework this week. They can also access MANY review worksheets here.  IXL continues to be a great place for review, and tasks specifically related to multiplication have been assigned.

Multiplication Facts

With a multiplication quiz on the horizon (more information shared on Monday), here are some thoughts and resources about multiplication.

Think About Multiplication

I highly recommend watching this webinar (it’s about an hour long) for some ideas about how you can talk about the facts to help your child learn those trickier ones.

Read About Multiplication

Here are some strategies from the book Math Hacks by Vanessa Vakharia (if you follow the link, there are some suggestions for online sites and games for practice).

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Practice Multiplication

  1. Make Flashcards. This is much better than buying them premade! Writing the facts down is in itself a form of practice. Students can cut the cards, write the multiplication sentence on one side, and the answer on the back.
  2. Math rap songs. For our auditory learners, listening to songs about multiplication and adding a beat to it can be helpful. Students can learn all the newest pop songs by heart…why not their multiplication facts? YouTube has tons of options. You just need to find the one that appeals to you. Here’s a site with 30 fun ideas that play on your musical, artistic, or kinesthetic learning style.
  3. Online multiplication practice. These are a few suggestions but there are TONS to choose from.
  4. Printed practice sheets. I have heaps of practice sheets that students can take home.
  5. Find tricks to help you remember your facts.
  6. Mrs. Cleveland has also created a list on her math blog, to many different useful math practice sites, not only just for multiplication.
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If you have any questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you! Happy multiplying!

2 Hours of Code!

We were so lucky to participate in 2 ‘Hour of Code’ workshops over the last two weeks. We worked with the kind folks from Accenture to go through some basic algorithms using block code.

Our second workshop, was led by Bryan L. Miller, Sr. Director of Global Strategic Outreach. He guided students through a mini-lesson on computer science, shared how the Blockly platform works with their Virtual Dash robot and did a mini activity.


What’s Next?

Here is a glimpse into what the grade 5’s will be working on in Term 2 in General Studies!

Language Arts 

-Finish Wonder 

-Book Club (student choice in books, in class and homework) 

-Story Elements (theme, setting, figurative language, dialogue) 

-Short Stories (paragraphs, punctuating dialogue, plot, point of view) 

-Reflecting on Writing 




– Facts 12 x 12 and 144/12

– 2-digit x 2-digit

– Divide 3-digit by 2-digit

– Variables as a term

– Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10 (and decimals)


Financial Literacy 

– (Identify) and describe money transfer between individuals, organizations and businesses

– Total cost with tax

– Design sample budgets to manage finances for various earning and spending scenarios

– Explain credit and debt and describe how financial decisions may be impacted by each

– Calculate unit rates for various goods and services to determine best value

– Describe different types of taxes collected by different levels of government, and explain how tox revenue is used to provide services in the community



Matter and Energy 

-Relating Science and Technology to Our Changing World 

-Properties of and Changes in Matter 

Relating Science and Technology in our Changing World 

-Forces Acting on Structures