What a start to the school year it has been! We have been reading, writing, creating, researching, and learning so much about each other. Let’s fill you in!
Language Arts Recap
We have started our Wonder novel study. This incredible story about resilience and friendship is bound to be crowd favourite. We will be practicing empathy, reflection and gratitude throughout this entire unit.
For anyone who would like to listen along as we read, the recordings have been added to Google Classroom.
Math Recap
The students have blown me away with how well they are doing with our first unit on Number Sense. We have reviewed place value to hundred thousands, representing numbers in various forms, ordering and comparing numbers to 100 000, and rounding whole numbers. Next up we will look at decimal place value, before we have our first math test of the year. All review materials, instructional videos and practice worksheets will be posted to Google Classroom.
Science Recap
Have you ever wondered what it would be like for a piece of sushi to travel through the digestive system? Or maybe a piece of cake would be more fun? Stay tuned, as the students will be posting their creative stories on their blogfolios, depicting the adventures of a piece of food as it makes its way through each organ of the digestive system. We promise there’s SOME science involved 😉
Social Studies Recap
Life before first contact was very different than it is today. We have spent the last two weeks looking at language maps, reading about various Canadian Indigenous communities, and have practiced making educated assumptions about ways of life based on our analysis of the maps and documents we’ve read. At the start of the year the students shared how much they enjoy building models as part of the Social Studies program. I am sure they will get really excited about our project coming up…stay tuned for more details. It won’t be “long”…