First Weeks in Grade 5 General Studies

What a start to the school year it has been! We have been reading, writing, creating, researching, and learning so much about each other. Let’s fill you in!


Language Arts Recap

We have started our Wonder novel study. This incredible story about resilience and friendship is bound to be crowd favourite. We will be practicing empathy, reflection and gratitude throughout this entire unit.

For anyone who would like to listen along as we read, the recordings have been added to Google Classroom.


Math Recap

The students have blown me away with how well they are doing with our first unit on Number Sense. We have reviewed place value to hundred thousands, representing numbers in various forms, ordering and comparing numbers to 100 000, and rounding whole numbers. Next up we will look at decimal place value, before we have our first math test of the year. All review materials, instructional videos and practice worksheets will be posted to Google Classroom.


Science Recap

Have you ever wondered what it would be like for a piece of sushi to travel through the digestive system? Or maybe a piece of cake would be more fun? Stay tuned, as the students will be posting their creative stories on their blogfolios, depicting the adventures of a piece of food as it makes its way through each organ of the digestive system. We promise there’s SOME science involved 😉


Social Studies Recap

Life before first contact was very different than it is today. We have spent the last two weeks looking at language maps, reading about various Canadian Indigenous communities, and have practiced making educated assumptions about ways of life based on our analysis of the maps and documents we’ve read. At the start of the year the students shared how much they enjoy building models as part of the Social Studies program. I am sure they will get really excited about our project coming up…stay tuned for more details. It won’t be “long”…

וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ”- רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא”

In the spirit of Lag BaOmer, and Rabbi Akiva’s teachings: ” love your neighbour as yourself” we brought both classes together to incorporate the themes of teamwork, self-control, kindness, joy, gratitude, forgiveness, modesty and humility with the “Win-Win” mindset ( one of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®)

Through meaningful discussions and activities, the students focused on understanding how to resolve conflict in a positive way, so that everyone can be happy with the solution.

Having a Win-Win mindset means:

  • Seeing life through a lens of cooperation instead of competition
  • Balancing courage for getting what you want with consideration for what others want
  • Being kind to others and trying to make them happy
  • Working to find solutions to problems that make everyone happy

We finished off our time together with spreading kindness and leaving each other meaningful messages.

Novel Study, Current Units and Upcoming Events

Next week we’ll be diving into our first novel study. We will be starting the year with a beautiful story of kindness and how it isn’t easy to step outside of our comfort zones. Wonder by R.J. Palacio is rich with themes such as anti-bullying and having compassion, acceptance, and empathy for others.  

Students will use this book for both in class and homework activities over the next month. Our novel study will include discussions on chapter summaries and open ended questions, short quizzes, vocabulary, video journals and a variety of other activities. We will end the unit with a final creative project in which the students create their own interpretation of the novel. This will be a student directed project, giving the students ownership over their culminating task for this novel. 

Other Information

Current Working Units:

Math: Number Sense 

Science: Life Systems 

Social Studies: Heritage and Identity: Interactions of Indigenous Peoples and Europeans prior to 1713, in what would eventually become Canada 

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, September 21st 7:00 pm- Back to School Night (in person) 

Friday, September 23rd- Terry Fox Run (more information to follow) 

Friday, September 30th- Orange Shirt Day

Oh, Canada! Mapping Quiz October 2

Can you name all the provinces and territories, place them on the map, and identify their capital city?

craigclark / Pixabay

For our first unit in Social Studies, we will be learning about the Canadian Government, the various levels of government, their roles and responsibilities, and what role Canadian citizens play in all of this. To begin though, it’s important that we understand WHERE all these things are happening.

We will therefore have our first mapping quiz on Friday, October 2. All the information you will need can be found here, in our study guide. You’ll find study tips, practice sites and all the information you’ll need for the quiz. If you have any questions though, don’t hesitate to ask!

– Mrs. Thompson globe

How We Do at OJCS

Let me set the scene for you.

The forecast predicted -17 degrees. We woke up to -20, even colder with the windchill.
The news reported that just 20 minutes outside could cause frostbite to exposed skin.

So we did what every Canadian would do…

We loaded 30 students onto a bus and made our way to MacSkimming for a full day outdoors….and we had a great time!

Wishing you all a Happy Hanukkah, a happy and healthy New Year and a relaxing, rejuvenating break! Can’t wait to see you in 2020!

Senator Marc Gold

Today we welcomed Senator Marc Gold into our Grade 5 classroom, where he delivered a bilingual presentation sharing his experience in the Senate of Canada and answering our questions.

The students were so engaged, and their interest was seen through the thoughtful and insightful questions they asked. There were so many incredible lessons that Senator Gold shared with us that I hope we will all remember for a long time.

What stood out for me, is how much Senator Gold relies on his Jewish values in the decisions he makes, the path he has followed in his life, and the way he considers his responsibilities within the Senate. Growing up in a Jewish home, he remembers his mother giving food to strangers who would knock at the door. From that upbringing, he always felt a strong responsibility to take care of the most vulnerable, and do his small, but important role, of making the world a better place. Tikkun Olam is what guides him on a daily basis, and says that even his non-Jewish colleagues believe in this important Jewish value.

Working as a senator is an important job, one that Senator Gold does not take lightly. He has had to make difficult decisions, as his commitment to his province, his belief in the constitution, and his own personal opinions can sometimes conflict with each other. Again, he makes connections to Judaism when facing these challenges. Our tradition teaches us to confront challenges (own our own learning), to look at multiple points of view, expose ourselves to as many points of view as we can (we learn better together), and rely on others to teach you (each person is responsible for the other), as this is how we learn the best. He even referenced the Talmud, where multiple commentary are included, not just the commentary of the “winner”. These opinions are important to document and share, as their thoughts may be important at some point in history. Therefore, even if his opinions are not the most popular, Senator Gold sees it as his responsibility to share and document them, as their value may not yet be seen.

Finally, he showed us that diversity is important. Before becoming a lawyer and a senator, he always loved music, and continues to play in a band, even today. He loves to walk, spend time with his family, read, and my favourite, daydream.

In our class we know that, “No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.”

At OJCS, we embrace our differences, encourage hard work, and help to guide each other on our own unique Jewish journeys. Today was an incredible example of how these values will continue to serve us, even after we leave the welcoming walls of OJCS.


MacSkimming Field Trip Permission

On December 19, 2019, the grade 5 class will be going to MacSkimming for an amazing outdoor educational experience.

I sent home the permission forms at the beginning of the week. If you have not already done so, please fill out the form below and return it to school by December 11.

More information to come with more details about the trip.

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Live Blogging – The Château Laurier Debate

In Social Studies we are thinking about the role of stakeholders in decisions that get made in a city. We first worked on identifying who potential stakeholders may be, and students are now preparing their debates. The issue: the Château Laurier expansion.

The groups made their opening statements. Here are the jot notes from the first round:

The are now working hard on their rebuttals.











Let’s hear what they came up with:


Want to learn more about this issue? We had a look at this article to help us understand it better. We’d love to hear your thoughts! What do you think about the expansion design? Which stakeholder’s perspective do you agree with? Do you have any other thoughts or opinions to share?


Student Vote 2019

We had a great turnout for our Student Vote yesterday! The grade 5 students prepared and delivered! It was a long morning, where lots of patience was needed, but they stepped up to the challenge and were true model students and citizens.

We started the morning learning how to fold and initial the ballots to ensure they were all “kosher” and hadn’t been tampered with. They also witnessed and confirmed that the ballot boxes were empty before they were sealed.

And then the fun began! We welcomed all the classes from grades 3 to 8 into our room, presented important information on the main party platforms, and then worked as Poll Clerks and Deputy Returning Officers to guide voters through the voting process.


We can’t wait to share the results with you, after the polls close for the rest of the country, on Monday evening. We will be counting the votes on Wednesday so stay tuned!

It’s Voting Season!

Last week our middle school students ran for various positions on our Knesset (student council). We listened to their speeches and then went through the private voting process.

Today, it was our turn to run! Five well-deserving candidates gave speeches to their peers for the position of Class Representative. It’s not always easy to speak in front of the class, and they all did a great job! Although there had to be one winner, I was so impressed with the support and camaraderie all the students showed each other.

Next week, as the Canadian population prepares to vote, our students will also have the opportunity to have their voice heard. With grade 5 students at the lead, they have been researching the various parties, their leaders, MP candidates, and platform highlights. They will share this information with students in grades 3-8 on Thursday, October 17th, as the OJCS participates in the Student Vote Canada 2019. 

We’ll definitely keep you posted on the results. It will be interesting to see how our students feel compared to the rest of Canada!