January 23

Heartwarming Story

I shared this Twitter thread with the Grade 5 students today. They all loved it so much and asked me to post it here so they could share it with their parents (keep scrolling, it’s about 20 tweets long).

From this heartwarming story we were able to make some important connections to our class as well.

Whether you are a new student from another country, a new student from another school, or even a student who has been at the school for many years, fitting in and being accepted by your peers is important. Just like the students in this story, our class is filled with students who like many different things, sports being a common one. But we all come with varying skill levels. It can be intimidating, or even unenjoyable, to play a sport or activity where you don’t feel as skilled or accepted in the game as others.

Just like the students in Newfoundland, it is our job as a school family to notice those who are choosing not to play with us, find out why, change our game around to either help them improve, or just make everyone feel included. Even more so than that, find out what they enjoy doing and are good at, and play that instead! At OJCS, our North Stars and Jewish values show us every day that Each person is responsible for the other and We learn better together!

Can you think of any other areas of school life, or outside of school where this lesson can apply?