June 7

Science Quiz – June 13

We will be having a science quiz on Wednesday June 12, reviewing the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Here’s what you need to know:

Respiratory System:

  • Vocabulary (trachea, right lobe, left lobe, bronchioles, bronchus, alveoli)
  • Be able to label these on a diagram
  • What happens in the bronchus, bronchioles and alveoli?

Circulatory System:

  • How does blood move through our body and in what direction.
  • What does blood carry?
  • 4 main components of blood (plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets)


All the information you need is on the sheets in your Science Notebook.


March 7

Thank you!

Thank you to all the incredible grade 5 students who worked so hard to produce incredible STEAM Fair projects. I loved walking around, hearing all that you learned, and seeing all you created.

Thank you to all the incredible families for taking the time to come and visit our class and share is our work. (If anyone took any pictures, please send them to me!)


Later in the afternoon we had the chance to go and see what the grade 6, 7 and 8 students had produced. Given that next year grade 5 students will be among those projects in the gym, each student was asked to look with a critical and inquisitive eye at all the projects. They needed to take a picture, video, or any other form of documentation to reflect on which projects inspired them and why. These annotated pictures or videos are due on Monday. How fortunate they’ll be next year to have this documentation to look back on as a memory for inspiration!