October 18

P.E. Challenge

We will be taking part in the following challenge over the next couple weeks. Each week we watch a video, complete the challenge and send in our minutes of movement for a chance to win various prizes from the new professional basketball team in Ottawa.


October 12


Today, our class took part in #GlobalMakerDay. This day allowed for students to use their creativity to plan, design and implement their ideas. We had students who decided to do hands on challenges, which included creating a structure for an egg drop challenge, creating hamster toys and creating fidget toys for social emotional learning. Other students decided to work digitally, building structures using Minecraft, creating their own structures using other digital tools and many other impressive projects.

October 7

Tuesday, October 12th- Global Maker Day

Hi Everyone,

Global Maker Day is next Tuesday, October 12th. The Grade 5 class will be participating this year! Essentially it is a day for embracing the Makers Mindset: it is full of challenges, activities, and presentations. We will be completing hands on and digital activities. 

If you have any recyclable materials at home, please send them in on Friday or Tuesday!

Thank you!

September 24

We Did It For Terry!

Today the grade 5’s participated in the Terry Fox run! Thanks to everyone who brought in money to help support the cause. We enjoyed discussions, activities and most importantly the run together.

Here is a link to how my family contributes to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation every year. This annual event, Fight for the Cure was created and is put on by my brothers.
