December 3

December and Snow

Has your house started smelling like oil yet? I was trying new recipes for latkes this weekend.

Taking a poll — sour cream or apple sauce?

The grade 5 classes had a pretty busy week. On Tuesday we asked Dr. Mitzmacher to speak about the Current Events we are all thinking about, the students had lots of questions.


In Science, 5 A created clay neurons to study the parts that provide signals along our nervous system. 5B is set to build this week.

In 5A Science, we also worked on engaging the signals from our brain to our fingers. Each student had a chance to test their reaction time or “their reflexes.”  In pairs one student held a 30 cm ruler just above the open hand of another student. The student responsible for dropping the ruler would say ‘I will drop this ruler within the next 5 seconds.’  The second student would have to react and catch the ruler, measuring on the ruler each time as repeated 5 times. With this experiment the students have decided that practice was key to reacting faster.

In Math, Ms Cleveland and I set up a multi-station math walk. Where students got to use mental math and use the math tools they have been developing.

5 A worked on mental math to solve how much volume an unmarked mayonnaise jar had. They used a standard soda, coffee mug and then proving their theory with a marked 1 litre water bottle. The students also worked on number problems determining what didn’t belong. Yes, water, water every where, none was fit to drink…


All students worked on their personal SMART Goals and are updating their blogs with how they are working toward those goals.

Reminders: Rally Monday

Tuesday – Dec 5 Book Fair

Heads-up – Dec 12. – Grade 5 and grade 4 will embark on a Indigenous Social Studies inspired field trip to the Canadian Museum of History. Info coming home soon.

November 24

Nov Coming to an End

Good Afternoon All,

Shabbat Shalom,

What a GREAT way to end the week off!

Bowling under neon and dancing to the tunes. We had an incredible turnout with some out of class socializing.

In Science, both classes have almost finished all veggie presentations.


Most students have submitted their short stories and I am very proud of them challenging themselves to develop character traits and create dialog through an eventful story line… amongst other writing requirements.

In math we played with real-word algebra problems and real money calculations.

Reminders: Thursday Nov 30 Dress Down Day

For Social Studies – Tuesday Nov 28 – Dr. Mitzmacher will be our guest speaker with a talk on current events.

November 17


Hello All,

Busy week for all here in grade 5.

In Math, all students attempted to test their abilities through the Beaver Challenge!

Results will come out in a few weeks. We are moving through algebra, by learning definitions, concepts and solving problems. There was some homework sent home for those who did not finish in class. Please return by Tuesday.

In English, many of the students have finished their creative story and are now peer reviewing another students work and sharing positive critiques.

Science presentations are almost completed and the students have shown great interest in some of the vegetables they eat. The key concept was, if it’s green then steam, if it comes from the soil – boil… Stay tuned for dates with the up-coming science test on the topic of the human body.

Social studies students went back to the basics this week in reading and responding. Students used a graphic organizer to compare different aspects of Indigenous life before 1700. We hope to produce our finishing touches on our longhouse models next week.